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Advantages of Jet and Soft Flow Dyeing Machine

Author:Huaxia TechnologyHits:Published time:2018-06-02

Jet dyeing machine

The Jet Dyeing Machine offers the following striking advantages that makes them suitable for fabrics like polyesters.


1.Low consumption of water

2.Short dyeing time

3.Can be easily operated at high temperatures and pressure

4.Comparatively low liquor ratios, typically ranges between 1:4 and 1:20

5.Fabrics are handled carefully and gently

Soft flow dyeing machine

In the soft flow dyeing machine water is used for keeping the fabric in circulation. The conception difference of this equipment from a conventional jets that operates with a hydraulic system is that the fabric rope is kept circulating during the whole processing cycle (right from loading to unloading). There is no stopping of liquor or fabric circulation for usual drain and fill steps.

The principle working behind the technique is very unique. There is a system for fresh water to enter the vessel via a heat exchanger to a special interchange zone. At the same time the contaminated liquor is allowed channel out through a drain without any sort of contact with the fabric or for that matter the new bath in the machine.


1.Significant savings in processing time.

2.Savings in water that is around 50%.

3.Excellent separation of different streams results in optimum heat recovery and a distinct possibility of further use or a dedicated treatment.

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